The doctoral studies at the Institute have a long tradition. The first studies were launched in 1968. The next edition of the studies was launched in 2001 under management of prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Kossut. In the years 2006-2010, the studies were manager by prof. dr hab. Jolanta Barańska and then, in the years 2011-2014 – by Jolanta Skangiel-Kramska. Since 2015, the studies are managed by prof. dr hab. Daniel Wójcik.


The Institute conducts studies in Polish and in English and is authorized to grant the degree of the doktor (doctor) of biological sciences since 1955 and doctor of biochemistry since 2015. Since 1955, it is also authorized to grant the title of doktor habilitowany (postdoctoral degree) in biological sciences (biology discipline).


There are 183 participants of doctoral studies.




The studies last for four years and are free of charge.

Each of the doctoral students receives funding (in various forms – scholarship/ employment contract/ civil law agreement – depending on the project).

In order to pass a year, it is required to demonstrate the obtained results in the form of a presentation at the annual meeting of the doctoral students.

In order to complete the studies, it is required to pass the examination in the specialization topic and examinations in philosophy and statistics.

The doctoral students may attend an English language course and the foreign students – in Polish language course.

Upon request of the dissertation supervisor, it is possible to take an individual course of studies.

In order to begin doctoral studies, it is necessary to have a scientific publication already published or accepted for printing in the form of a book or at least one scientific publication in a scientific magazine with at least national reach or in a reviewed report from an international scientific conference.


Doctoral examinations in additional specialization and foreign language are taken after beginning the doctoral studies, the examination in the basic discipline corresponding to the topic of the doctoral dissertation – after submitting the dissertation and receiving positive reviews. A doctoral student can be released from the obligation to pass the foreign language examination if they have a certificate confirming knowledge of a contemporary foreign language (the list of certificates is included in appendix 1, Journal of Laws of 2011, no. 204, item 13200).


Taking the doctoral examination requires obtaining 30 ETCS points and passing examinations in the planned topics (including 3 doctoral topics).

Prof. dr hab. Daniel K. Wójcik
Head of the PhD Studies

Prof. Daniel K. Wójcik


PhD Studies Office
mgr Karolina Wysowska, mgr Diana Szymańska
tel: +48 22 5892554

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